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March 8, 2014
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1 Introduction
Leopard Kung Fu


Leopard style is one of the Five Animal styles, supposedly created by Jueyuan with help from Bai Yufeng and Li Sou.
Pound for pound the leopard is the strongest animal. It teaches footwork and moves to the angles when attacking.

The goals of Leopard style are to:
  • develop muscle speed for external strength.

  • teach patience.

  • use the leopard punch for penetration and lower body springing power.

The other four animals being Crane, Tiger, Snake, and Dragon. These five animals originally represented the five classical Chinese elements before developing into their own styles. Snake is usually Earth, Tiger is Metal, Crane is Wood, Dragon is Fire, Leopard is Water. Since they were derived from the Five Elements, they are kept in this pattern. At this point many styles delve into more advanced animal training or actual element training.

The primary weapon is the leopard's paw, which can be likened to a half opened fist. The primary striking surface is the ridge formed by folding the fingers at the first phalangal joint. The secondary striking surface is the palm. The leopard claw can also be modified for grabbing and tearing.

Leopard is especially useful at night, when the blinding hand and foot movements are invisible. Movement is accomplished far faster than the eye can compensate for in reduced light. Leopard is also useful on wet ground. Leopard is the most versatile style of the 5, just like water is the most versatile substance.

One of the unique characteristic techniques of the leopard is the ability to simultaneously block and strike the opponent. The sheer force of the forearm driving through the attacker creates a pre-emptive block that parries and strikes at the same time. The sheer speed of the leopard is where the formidable technique comes into its own.

Leopard is "The Ghost" of the 5 animals because it is hard to see because it is so fast, quiet, patient, waiting to strike at the right moment. It has many stealth techniques that are extremely useful in moving around undetectable at night where you use the eyes, speed, stealth, and cunning of the leopard (this can also be done in the daylight but not to the same degree). The darkness is your friend. This style was used greatly by assassins as well as warriors.

In order to master the leopard, you must become the leopard.

Category:Chinese martial arts

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Leopard Kung Fu".

Last Modified:   2005-11-04

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