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1 Introduction
Historical Chinese anthems


zh: 中国国歌
A number of Chinese official and unofficial national anthems were made around the early 20th century, only two remain in use: the "National Anthem of the Republic of China|Three Principles of the People" (Republic of China|Republic of China (Taiwan)) and the People's Republic of China's national anthem ("The March of the Volunteers"). The article below lists the other, lesser-known anthems, both official and unofficial.


For purposes of diplomatic missions to Western Europe and Russia, Li Hongzhang (courtesy name Zhongtang) employed in 1896 political lyrics combined with classical Chinese music -- later known as "The Tone of Li Zhongtang" (李中堂樂).|金殿當頭紫閣重,<BR>仙人掌上玉芙蓉,<BR>太平天子朝天日,<BR>五色雲車駕六龍。|With a golden palace as his head, he is as heavy as the purple tower.<BR>Like a jade hibiscus on the palm of an immortality|immortal,<BR>The Son of Heaven of Perfect Peace races to the sun on the sky,<BR>Riding on a five-coloured car of cloud with six Chinese dragon|dragon


After the Department of Army was established in 1906, it became the army song, and had been played at formal occasions overseas.|於斯萬年,<BR>亞東大帝國!<BR>山嶽縱橫獨立幟,<BR>江河漫延文明波;<BR>四百兆?民神明冑,<BR>地大物產博。<BR>揚我黃龍帝國徽,<BR>唱我帝國歌!|Here for ten thousand years,<BR>Great Empire of East Asia!<BR>The criss-crossing mountains stand alone,<BR>The wide-spreading rivers are the waves of the civilization;<BR>Four hundred million? people under the auspice of the gods,<BR>The land is large and the produce great.<BR>Wave my yellow Chinese dragon|dragon emblem of the Empire,<BR>Sing my song of the Empire!

?兆 formerly referred to one million; in modern usage it refers to one trillion.

Official. Main article: Gong Jin'ou

The first and only official national anthem of the Qing Empire lived less than a month when the Wuchang Uprising occurred in 1911. It is in very flowery Classical Chinese. However, the Republic of China denies that "The Cup of Solid Gold" was ever a national anthem.


After the establishment of the provisional government in Nanjing, the Ministry of Education under Cai Yuanpei asked the public for possible anthem (as well as coat of arm), and the one whose lyrics was written by Chen Enyun (沈恩孕) and music by Chen Pengnian (沈彭年) was released as a draft in the newspaper.|亞東開化中國早,<BR>揖美追歐,<BR>舊邦新造。<BR><BR>飄揚五色旗,<BR>民國榮光,<BR>錦繡山河普照。<BR><BR>我同胞,<BR>鼓舞文明,<BR>世界和平永保。|East Asia is thriving, and China is the earliest.<BR>Admiring US|America and chasing Europe,<BR>The old nation is under new construction.<BR><BR>The five-coloured flag flutters,<BR>The Republic is glorious.<BR>The embroidered mountains and rivers are shone upon.<BR><BR>My compatriots,<BR>Arouse the civilization.<BR>The universal peace will forever be protected.


Also called "Patrotic Song" (愛國歌), "How Great is Our China!" (泱泱哉,我中華!) has lyrics written by Liang Qichao and music by overseas Chinese in Datong School (大同學校), Yokohama. Released in 1912, it was widespread especially among by students.|泱泱哉,我中華!<BR>最大洲中最大國,<BR>廿二行省為一家,<BR>物產腴沃甲天地,<BR>天府雄國言非誇。<BR>君不見英日區區三島尚崛起,<BR>況乃堂堂我中華!<BR><BR>結成團體,<BR>振我精神,<BR>二十世紀新世界,<BR>雄飛宇內疇與倫?<BR><BR>可愛哉,我國民!<BR>可愛哉,我國民!|How great is our China!<BR>The largest nation of the largest continent.<BR>Twenty-two administered provinces of China|provinces are one family.<BR>Rich products and fertile land are the first in the world.<BR>Calling this strong nation heaven on earth is not boasting.<BR><RB>Don't you see: United Kingdom|Britain and Japan, only three islands, still prosper.<BR>How much more our great China?<BR><BR>Join as one body.<BR>Excite our spirit.<BR>In this new world of the twentieth century,<BR>Strongly soar among fellow mankind of the universe.<BR><BR>How lovely is our people!<BR>How lovely is our people!

Official, regional

After Yuan Shikai overtook China, his Ritual Regulations Office (禮制館) issued the new official anthem "China Heroically Stands in Universe" (中國雄立宇宙間) on June 1915. Its lyrics was written by Yin Chang (廕昌) and music by Wang Lu (王露).|中國雄立宇宙間﹐<BR>廓八埏﹐<BR>華冑來從崑崙巔﹐<BR>江河浩盪山綿連﹐<BR>共和五族開堯天﹐<BR>億萬年。|China heroically stands in Universe,<BR>Extends to the Eight Corners,<BR>The famous descendant from Kunlun Peak.<BR>The rivers turn greatly, the mountains continuous.<BR>Five Chinese nationalities|nationalities open up the sky of Yao,<BR>For millions of myriads of years.


In November 1919, Tuan Chi-jui (later a Beiyang warlord) established the National Anthem Research Committee (國歌研究會), which adopted:
  • The lyrics (1920) by Zhang Taiyan (章太炎) from the Classical Chinese|classic "The Song to the Auspicious Cloud" (卿雲歌) from Shang Shu

  • The music (1921) by a Beijinger professor, Xiao Youmei (蕭友梅).

The anthem was released in July 1921 by National Affairs Yuan (國務院).|卿雲爛兮﹑&nbsp;<BR>糺&sup1;縵縵兮﹐<BR>日月光華﹐<BR>旦復旦兮。|How bright is the Auspicious Cloud!<BR>How broad is the brilliancy!<BR>The light is spectacular with sun or moon.<BR>How it revives dawn after dawn!

?糺 (jīu "collaborate") is sometimes written as 糾 (j?u "investigate") or 纖 (zhī "to web")


Written by officers of the Whampoa Military Academy, The "Revolution of the Citizens" Song (國民革命歌 Guomin Gemin Ge) was released on July 1, 1926.|打倒列強,打倒列強,<BR>除軍閥,除軍閥;<BR>努力國民革命,努力國民革命,<BR>齊奮鬥,齊奮鬥。|Triumph over the Power (international)|Powers, ? 2<BR>Eliminate the warlords; ? 2<BR>The citizens strive hard to rebel, ? 2<BR>Joint affair to fight. ? 2

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Historical Chinese anthems".

Last Modified:   2005-04-13

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