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March 8, 2014
Table of Contents
1 Introduction


Guangyun (Chinese language|Chinese: 廣韻) is a rime dictionary.

It was originally split into five volumes, two belonging to the Middle Chinese Ping tone (平聲), one each for the other three Middle Chinese tonal language|tones, Shang (上聲), Qu (去聲) and Ru (入聲). Each tone was split into rimes, and under each rimes were grouped characters of the same onset, and under each entry, was given a brief explanation of its meaning.

The total number of rimes in Guangyun, split over the four tones is 206.

See also: Rime tables
Category:Chinese language

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Guangyun".

Last Modified:   2005-04-13

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